About This Event

Wisconsin Early Childhood Association’s Annual Conference is a key training and professional development opportunity for early childhood educators through informative and engaging keynotes, breakouts, and interactive sessions. To support the geographic and professional development needs of early childhood professionals, several live and recorded sessions will be available online through the WHOVA conference platform.


WECA anticipates approximately 900 in-person and virtual attendees from Wisconsin and its neighboring states. The conference draws early childhood teachers, assistant teachers, directors, and family child care owners/providers in addition to representatives from state agencies, higher education institutions, and Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies.

  • All exhibitors will be featured in the Conference program and on Whova, the virtual conference platform
  • The first 10 exhibitors to register for an in-person booth and pay in full will be spotlighted on a poster board outside the exhibit hall
  • Exhibitors may opt to purchase lunch as an add-on to their exhibit booth


  • Digital ad registration will remain open until June 30, 2025
  • Booth registration will remain open until Aug. 31, 2025 or until space is no longer available
  • Staff exhibit booth on Oct. 3 and 4, 2025
  • Arrive to setup on Oct. 2 from 2 - 6 p.m. or on Oct. 3 from 6:30 7:30 a.m.
  • Participate in WECA’s passport contest, including providing a “Fun Fact” about your organization at the time of registration
  • Contribute a door prize for our passport contest, to be collected upon arrival (optional but strongly encouraged)
  • The exhibit hall will close for teardown on Oct. 4 between 1:30 - 3 p.m.


Founded in 1971, Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) is a leading expert on early care and education (ECE) and supporter of the early childhood workforce. WECA works to create bold, transformative change and a more sustainable and equitable ECE system in Wisconsin. WECA’s cumulative efforts through key programs, training, research, and advocacy inherently impact all children, families, and communities in Wisconsin, though programming that directly serves at least 82% of regulated child care programs (reaching nearly 157,000 children) and at least 90% (more than 34,000) of early childhood professionals across 72 Wisconsin counties and Tribal Nations.


Contact our team at [email protected].  

Exhibitor Registration

Exhibit Hall will be open on Friday, Oct. 3 from 7:30am-4:15pm and Oct. 4 from 7:30am-1:30pm.

  • Full booth includes:
    - 8' skirted table
    - 8' pipe and drape backdrop
    - 3' pipe and drape side rails
    - Option for electricity (10amp 3 prong electrical port)
    - Wireless internet
    - 2 chairs
    - Booth sign
    - Wastebasket
    - Virtual exhibit booth on Whova conference platform

  • Full booth includes:
    - 8' skirted table
    - 8' pipe and drape backdrop
    - 3' pipe and drape side rails
    - Option for electricity (10amp 3 prong electrical port)
    - Wireless internet
    - 2 chairs
    - Booth sign
    - Wastebasket
    - Virtual exhibit booth on Whova conference platform

  • Half booth option includes:
    - 8' skirted table
    - 2 chairs
    - Waste basket
    - Table identification
    - Virtual exhibit booth on Whova conference platform

  • Virtual exhibit booth includes:
    - Logo prominently displayed on Whova App
    - Option to include brief description of company, products, and/or services
    - Opportunity to include contact information
    - May include links to website, videos, and/or flyers

Important Note: If an exhibitor would like to attend sessions at the conference, they MUST register for the conference using the standard registration form. Meals would be included in registration. 

If an exhibitor does NOT want to attend sessions, you may add exhibitor meals below by entering the number of exhibitors in the blank box. 



Exhibitor Information

By submitting this exhibit application, you agree to the following:

  • Each exhibitor must purchase enough space to contain the entire exhibit without encroaching on aisle space or other available space.
  • Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to the rights reserved by WECA, at its sole discretion, to select and assign space as well as rearrange and reassign exhibitors.
  • Booths must be staffed for all hours that the exhibit hall is open. 
  • To ensure booth or table space, full payment is required.
  • Exhibitor will forfeit any space not occupied 30 minutes before exhibit hall opens. The space may be resold or reassigned by WECA without refund.
  • Fees are not refundable.
  • WECA is not responsible for any items or products that are left unattended.
  • WECA is unable to set up any materials that you ship or drop off; nor pack and ship items once the conference is complete.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software